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History Intent Statement


Our children love history when it is hands on and interactive. We aim to inspire all of our children to be curious about the past and through historical enquiry will help them develop the skills of a historian that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teachers will help our children to develop a chronologically secure understanding of the past in Britain (including studies about our local area) and the wider world. Children will learn a range of historical vocabulary which they will understand and be able to use when presenting their learning in a variety of ways. Our ambitious and diverse history curriculum will support our children in the understanding of historical concepts and make comparisons with their own whilst teaching them how to be historians. We endeavour to make our planned and sequenced curriculum hands on, with the use of artefacts, visits and visitors to enhance the children’s knowledge of history when possible and develop their cultural capital. Our children will consider their own lives and the challenges of life today and how these have been influenced by the past. They will gain a historical perspective of the world and its people which will prepare them for their own future learning and employment.


If you would like to find out more about the History Curriculum we are covering please ring the school on 01254 392717 and ask to speak to the History Leader: Mrs Jesson.

History Policy

History Map

History Progression of Knowledge and Skills

History in Action

Year 2 Exploring WW1 Artefacts
