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Science Intent Statement


Our children have told us that they enjoy science when it is hands on, practical and when they are actively involved in their own investigations.  We aim for our children to be inquisitive- thinking deeply about, and to debate, science topics. The intention of our school is to develop our pupils’ spoken language and their enquiry skills giving them the confidence to plan out, adapt and evaluate investigations. We will equip all learners with the scientific vocabulary to confidently communicate their learning. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum through providing a broad and ambitious curriculum that ensures the progressive development of knowledge, skills and vocabulary building upon their learning each year as they journey through our school. We provide a coherently planned, sequenced and inclusive science curriculum. Opportunities and experiences inspire our children and our science teaching. Our vision is for the children to develop a lifelong love of science which will positively impact their future learning and employment giving them the cultural capital that they need to succeed in life.


If you would like to find out more about the Science Curriculum we are covering, please ring the school on 01254 392717 and ask to speak to the Science Leader: Mr Hargreaves.

Science Policy

Science Map

Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Science in Action

Which material is the most absorbent?

Year 3: Investigating magnets

Exploring properties of materials- Big Question-Does gas have weight?

Sound- Investigating sound waves through paper cup telephones
